Sunday, July 11, 2021

Entering the door of Buddhism

There are some whom I have met who proclaim they are Buddhists just because that is what is registered as their religion. They have no knowledge of what it means to be Buddhist. In fact to become Buddhists one has to truly take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma (the teachings of Buddha) and the Sangha (teachers of the Dharma), the Triple Gems. What does it mean to take refuge? It is to solely believe in and follow the Triple Gems. To be able to do so, one should know who is the Buddha and what his teachings are so one understand and can follow without deviation. Buddha is the fully enlightened one who has purified all defilements. He has realized the path towards the end of suffering and permanent bliss which all beings can take and become Buddha as well. He is thus the ultimate refuge. There is not just one Buddha, such as the historical Buddha of our eon, Shakyamuni Buddha. Through the eons there have been many who became Buddha and as per Shakyamuni Buddha's prophecy in the Sutras (records of Buddha's teachings), many other Buddhists will become Buddhas. Why be a Buddhist? All orthodox religions should be respected as they are like candles that bring light to the darkness of lives and teach us to be good and kind. Before becoming a Buddhist, one should thoroughly examine the teachings and what Buddhism is about. This is as what Buddha said "Ehipassiko" (Come and see). Only when one is satisfied, then take refuge and do not waver. Personally I came from a Buddhist family, but some schoolmates shared the Christian gospel with me when I was in school. I took time to think about and find out more about each religiom and what feels more suitable for me. For me the Genesis chapter of the bible seemed off as I could not comprehend why taking an apple is a sin and why woman is made from man. It seemed to be myth rather than real. I was uncomfortable as well with the concept that sins will be forgiven and have no repercussions as long as you follow the God. Karma, cause and result seemed to be fair. I also believed to end suffering one should have to work hard and just going to heaven from accepting God seems off. These were my considerations. Even though I did not choose to be a Christian, it did not mean I think others should not follow the religion or that it is not good. There have been many admirable saints like Mother Theresa and staunch Christians who have contributed so much to humanity. If you are thinking to become a Buddhist or you are Buddhist on paper and want to become a true Buddhist, please take the time to really examine what the teachings are and ask questions to Buddhist teachers. Once you are convinced, take the refuge vows which will strengthen your resolve not to waver. Then you will truly enter the gateway to Buddhism and progress on the path to enlightenment.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some Thoughts on How we can Deal with Dying

Some Thoughts on How we can Deal with Dying

1. We cannot predict when we are going to die, unless we are really advanced practitioners. If it is going to happen, it will happen and no amount of worrying will stop it from happening. Even tulkus like the 11th and 12th Karmapa, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche died young. If it is going to happen, might as well remain calm and recite good aspiration prayers.

2. However, if we are Buddhists, even if things like sicknesses or death or what other people may term as bad things occur, we always have methods of perceiving them as positive. 

We have gone for so many pilgrimages and we do so many prayers everyday. Even if we die, in our mindstream, we have firmly planted the seed to 1) gain enlightenment if we have had a good practice and can recognize the clear light at death, 2) be reborn in dewachen (if we can recollect Od Pag Med and Chenrezig at the point of death), 3) have a good rebirth if instead make the strong wish to do so. 

3. If we are very worried or nervous, it will have a negative effect of causing rebirth in the lower realm. It is like failing the examination we have prepared everyday for. Our aim is to gain enlightenment to liberate all sentient beings. For that aim, we train our mind everyday, to be very familiar with the Buddhist concepts, so we can deal with whatever happens, calmly, peacefully and in a Dharma way.  "Nga na na na te na wei ga" and "Nga shi na shi te shi wei ga". If I am sick, I have the happiness of being sick. If I die, I have the happiness of dying. It is the same. You may be young, and you have many things you want to do that you have not done yet. But you can always continue your works in your next life. Buddhists should not view that life and death has any difference, both are bardos.

4. If you feel regret that you cannot finish what you want to do in this life, then all the more it gives you motivation to put in a lot of effort to finish what you want to do. So it is not necessarily a bad thing. Now you know death is so close to us, I am sure you will put in even more effort. Even if you really cannot finish it, no problem, you can continue it if you make the wish for a good human rebirth.

5. The point of death is a big opportunity, a wonderful one where we can gain enlightenment, just by recognizing the light or the deity. So it is a joyous occasion.

6. Have trust in the practice. If you have done the long life practice, it would have extended your life unless you have some ripened karma to pay back, which you cannot control anyway.

I am also hoping I can remember what I am writing now at my own point of death. Honestly this time, if the bus or plane were to have crashed, I don't think I would have felt fear or worry, because this was a time when I did practice everyday and I was so full of good aspirations. But I don't know about the future, I hope I can maintain things this way.

I have actually had quite a few near death experiences, maybe that is why I am more relaxed now in dangerous situations and also why I place so much emphasis in learning the Dharma. I was nearly hit by a car when I was young and playing on the road, I nearly drowned twice in a pool, last year I nearly fell down a cliff when we came back from Yolmo because the bus was close to knocking me down. It is really a blessing to still be alive and be able to finish my 3 month retreat/ study in Nepal and meet with so many Dharma friends. 

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is the purpose of our lives?

What is the purpose of our lives?

Why do we lose ourselves in daily hustle and bustle, entertaining ourselves but feeling lonely and empty inside?

When do we really feel happy?

When helping a stranger, without any thought of getting any benefits from that, when seeing how happy others are, we light up inside.

When doing something constructive, which leads to the benefits of others, we are truly happy.

This is something different, very much fulfilling.

Listening to what is good and positive brings happiness.

Supporting and rejoicing what is good and positive brings happiness.

When we just enjoy nature and not keep our minds filled with countless thoughts or allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with confusing emotions, we are happy.

Running after our desires is like a thirsty man drinking sea water, he will never be satisfied and will need more.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Gratitude Have you ever reflected how much gratitude we owe to people in our lives? Every product that we used is the fruit of much perspiration and labour by many others. From this gratitude that we owe, we should have the attitude of humility and kindness towards all, as anyone around us may be the one who has benefitted us greatly in the past, are benefitting us now and may bring great benefit to us in the future. I was once on a bus without any money on me. This was a time when ezlink cards have not been introduced in Singapore. I was a student and I was very troubled and embarrassed at not being able to pay the fare. I was contemplating getting down the next stop and walking back home to get money. Without saying a word, a Bangladeshi worker who was close by put in the fare for me. To this day, nearly more than a decade later, I hold in my mind great respect and gratitude for this man. In Singapore, many people look down or have negative views of these foreign workers who help us to build our homes, offices and schools and take up the jobs that the proud Singaporeans decline to do. But I do not have the same view and I think we have a lot to learn from these people who earn their money with their blood and perspiration, scrimping and saving for their families back home. Where do you think our forefathers started from? They were the same and they built a great and safe nation which we are comfortably living in now. I remember as well participating in flag-raising days. Once, I walked to many places in the East where I stayed, asking for donations from the public for Children's Charity. Most people gave very little or nothing at all. I chanced by a narrow alley where there was a man who could have been a construction worker or painter who was very dirty. I did not however ignore him or treat him with indifference. I also asked him for a donation in the same way. But I was very surprised when he put ten dollars in the can. Even today, ten dollars is a lot to give for flag-raising. So much more valuable is the charity of someone who does not have much yet gives all he can to those who are in need. I am also very thankful to three taxi drivers who helped me in different times. When I was in JC, there was one night where I had stayed late at school and was hoping to catch the last bus back home. It was quite dark and I was alone at the bus stop. A taxi pulled to a stop where I was standing and I told the driver I did not intend to take a taxi, I did not have the cash. He however was genuinely worried for my safety and insisted that I took the cab. He then offered to drive me home for free. It really impressed me how very kind this man was. He really safely delivered me back home without accepting a single cent. In recent years, there was another driver who took the time to drive back and give me back my staff pass when my staff pass was accidentally left in his taxi. He could have just brought the item to the call centre and I would have had to go there to collect it. Even more recently, I got a bicycle as a free gift from a friend and took a cab to bring it back home. It was rather heavy and I got into a conversation with the driver about how inconvenient it was that my block did not have a lift. Without me asking him for help, he volunteered to carry this heavy bicycle all the way up four storeys. I would not have been able to manage by myself. Kindness does not differ due to nationality or locality. I was backpacking in France and asked a man which train I should be taking to Versailles. He told me that it should be a particular line. My friend who was with me however said that we should be taking another line and we boarded the train. This man went out of the way, very anxiously, to get on board and tell the conductor to let us get off as we were on the wrong train. We finally got to Versailles. We would have been in great panic if we really did get on the wrong train and end up far from our intended destination. When I was at Mattelhorn in Switzerland, I got lost and was anxiously looking for the train station to board the last train back. I was lucky to encounter an old Japanese couple who were so kind to walk me to the train station. I must admit my Japanese lessons were of great use though, or they would not have been able to understand me. For that, I am grateful to my Japanese teachers at NUS. There was just once that I got so sick from drinking alcohol that I vomitted and passed out at Chijmes, where there were many pubs and restaurants. When I was kneeling on the floor, a kind old Japanese man came out and showered me with concern. He got me a chair and a hot towel and a drink of hot water. He need not have bothered, it should have been a common sight for him and it was my own fault that I took so much alcohol. For the record, I have taken a vow not to drink alcohol anymore. I can recount even more great acts of kindness I have experienced and witnessed both at home and overseas. Such great kindness is a source of inspiration and brings hope in the troubled world of today.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obstacles are our biggest friends

In some ways, the obstacles and adversities are our biggest friends. Without them, we cannot discover our strength and we cannot develop our patience. With the adversities, we have the chance to grow and become better and wiser.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One thing I have often observed is how easily I can avoid anger, frustration and negative emotions simply by choosing not to get angry, frustrated or develop negative emotions. The key is to be instantly aware when such feelings or negative thoughts are rising. When you know that your thoughts are something that will cause you or someone else feel bad, because you will do something out of anger or jealousy etc., reason with yourself whether it is right, whether things are such a big deal. From my experience, once I recollect that at anytime I could die and anyway all things are impermanent, everything else seems like a small matter. So instead, I choose to not get bothered and choose to be happy. By being easy going, life is much easier. Another thing I have learnt is that expectations bring suffering. The higher your expectation is, the more likely you will be disappointed. We can dream about how things will be and paint the best picture, but we should not get attached to the results. Pain or pleasure, loss or gain, praise or blame, fame or infamy; whatever happens, if we do not wrapped up in good or bad results, then our mind will not be disturbed. Everything will pass, whether good or bad. So when there are good times, be prepared for the bad times. When bad times come, do not get discouraged as good times will come.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Fearlessness in all situations

Fearlessness in all situations What arises fear in us? We have fear because we are attached to something and do not wish to lose it or for bad to happen it. We have fear because we do not wish to have suffering. We have fear because we view something as scary or harmful. If we do not have attachment, then we will not have fear. If one wants to be happy, then attachment is not a logical thing to have, as all conventional things are impermanent. Since we will definitely lose whatever we treasure eventually, why develop such strong attachment and desire? This applies to not just your job, your wealth, your car, your house, your wife, your friends, your children, your dreams, your youth, your health, your looks etc. It even applies to the desire to become enlightened. The buddha nature is there in all of us, it is with us all the time. if we purify our defilements and perfect our understanding of the Dharma, we will eventually become Buddhas, in this, there should be no hope or fear. The above is related to the suffering of change, which is that whatever conventional situation giving us happiness will eventually be gone. This is the truth, it is not pessimism, because the opposite also is true, that whatever suffering we experience will eventually be past. So however unbearable your current situation is, there is comfort in that it will not last. While it lasts, it provides the opportunity for the practice of giving your happiness to others and taking their suffering equally. This beautiful practice will give you peace and happiness in being able to help others. Without suffering, we have no motivation to develop renunciation and practice, so we should even be thankful to those who cause us to suffer and hope that they will be the first one we will benefit after enlightenment. How we confused beings perceive things are usually through colored glasses, we color our view with our likes and dislikes, attachment and aversions. With our limited view, we cannot know the reality of the situation, but we still think we know exactly what the situation is. Time usually proves that we are wrong. A tall and strong person who looks mean may actually be very kind. Would you know for sure? If we have fear of that person, we might regret it later on. As we develop great renunciation through practice, fearlessness would also arise correspondingly, so the best antidote to our fears would be a good practice.