Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One thing I have often observed is how easily I can avoid anger, frustration and negative emotions simply by choosing not to get angry, frustrated or develop negative emotions. The key is to be instantly aware when such feelings or negative thoughts are rising. When you know that your thoughts are something that will cause you or someone else feel bad, because you will do something out of anger or jealousy etc., reason with yourself whether it is right, whether things are such a big deal. From my experience, once I recollect that at anytime I could die and anyway all things are impermanent, everything else seems like a small matter. So instead, I choose to not get bothered and choose to be happy. By being easy going, life is much easier. Another thing I have learnt is that expectations bring suffering. The higher your expectation is, the more likely you will be disappointed. We can dream about how things will be and paint the best picture, but we should not get attached to the results. Pain or pleasure, loss or gain, praise or blame, fame or infamy; whatever happens, if we do not wrapped up in good or bad results, then our mind will not be disturbed. Everything will pass, whether good or bad. So when there are good times, be prepared for the bad times. When bad times come, do not get discouraged as good times will come.

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