Monday, February 02, 2009

The phenomenal mind

Our mind, such a wondrous thing! We can conceive the biggest mountain in the universe (Mount Sumeru) and yet there will be no lack of space in our mind. It can conceive even more than this. We can conceptualize a little feather with our minds, yet it does not become roomier. By the power of the mind, such miracles like what Milarepa displayed to Rechungpa become possible, such as hiding from the rain in an ox's horn, without either Milarepa or the ox's horn changing in size. By the power of samadhis from meditative concentration, one can attain the miraculous powers to assist in teaching the Dharma in a way suitable to the understanding of each individual and developing faith and devotion in those to be tamed by miraculous powers. Let's be diligent in our practice! There is no greater happiness and bliss than to lead our past mothers and other loved ones across the shore of suffering to everlasting peace.

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